Completed Greyhound Track Report

Meeting: Launceston Greyhounds 5/9/2022

Activity Result
Report G1
Reporter Daryl Leedham
Date 05/09/2022
Time 08:00
Rainfall reading 0.4ml
Weather forecast Fine top of 15 degrees
Penotrometer A 120, B 110, C 93, D 110, E 115, F 105, G 95, H 102, I 106, J 112, K 109, L 130
Moisture A 18.0, B 16.0, C 16.4, D 17.9, E 17.0, F 16.5, G 16.8, H 19.0, I 19.2, J 18.0, K 16.5, L 16.0
Comments Completed Light verti drain on Saturday 3/9/22 due to compaction from Thursday night rain