Completed Thoroughbred Race Day Checklist

Meeting: Devonport Thoroughbreds 9/5/2021

Activity Result
Checklist Race day checklist
Reporter Nigel Whelan
Date 09/05/2021
Time 11:30
Take Penotrometer readings. Inspect track and rails – rectify any problems to ensure track and rails are WHS compliant. No
Submit required track information to RISA at earliest possible opportunity. Yes
Prepare crossing ensuring there are no ridges between sand and grass surface.. Yes
Place grass clippings over entire race surface of crossing to 9m in width. No
Raise and open winning post. No
Check ALL timing beams are aligned. Yes
Remove all harness standing start posts and lay down harness timing light posts. No
Lower harness fence and remove any vehicles that may obstruct vision (Elwick only). Not applicable as on another track than Hobart.
Check starting barriers are fully charged (air & power), are functioning correctly and are WHS compliant. Place in position for Race 1. Provide barrier toolkit. Yes
Check day stalls for any WHS problems and rectify BEFORE horses arrive. Turn on monitors. Yes
Check urinating boxes have sufficient straw ensuring the SOP has been met. Yes
Unlock entrance gates and vets room. Yes
Check horse ambulance winch battery is charged, tires are correct pressure & hitch tractor to ambulance. Ensure tractor is fully fuelled and the PRE-START CHECK has been completed. Yes
Install Hi-Vis distance markers (@ 100m, 200m, 400m, 600m, 800m, 1000m, 1200m & 1400m). No
Shut off all irrigation ring mains and drain. Yes
Inspect stewards towers. Yes
Load utility with rail repair/installation equipment. No
Ensure tractor is fully fuelled, the PRE-START CHECK has been completed and the bucket has been removed. Yes
Ensure Canter is loaded with: starters’ ladder, bench seat and false start light. No
Irrigate track as required – to Race As Good 4 the Entire Race Meeting. No
Check running rail – Check Alignment, Pins, Footings and Sliders. Yes
Check all horse access areas – Float Park, Daystalls & Mt yard – No Sharp Edges, Large Stones, General Safety. Yes
Check Public areas – Empty All Bins, Rubbish, Lock Gates, General Safety. Yes
Remove, Drop Gaps ready for race 1 -To Allow Barriers To Be Placed In Start Position.
Check lighting – Ensure all is working.
LAUNCESTON ONLY – Check Gensets – Fuel, water, oil, water. Not applicable as on another track than Launceston
HOBART ONLY – Lower harness fence and remove any vehicles that may obstruct vision. Not applicable as on another track than Hobart.